Tisha b’Av Commemoration


Monday, August 12, 2024    
7:00pm - 9:30pm

Event Type

Join us for the Tisha B’Av Commemoration at Beth El and on Zoom/livestream:

Study: 7:00–7:30pm

Together we’ll explore the words of the rabbis who explain “Eicha?” (how?) did we arrive at this time of mourning the destruction of the Temple in Jerusalem. We’ll connect these ancient words to our lived experience as we derive strength and meaning from Jewish narratives.

Ritual: 7:30pm

We’ll enter the service in candlelit silence, and join in a Ma’ariv (evening) service of quiet contemplation and prayer. We will then chant and hear the melodies of Eicha/Lamentations. We invite you to bring a slip of paper with a brief text from which you draw hope and resilience.

If you are attending online, please plan to share your brief text in the chat. If you are unable to attend in person, we invite you to make a sacred, candle-lit space in your home and join us on livestream and follow along in this Eichah/Lamentations text.